When one paycheck isn't enough to pay the bills, it might be worth thinking about a second job. A second job will not only bring in some extra money, it can also bolster your resume and provide a means to transition to a new career.
What's the best way to find a second job? It depends on the type of job you're looking for, where you want to work, and how you want to supplement your income.
It also depends on the flexibility of your schedule to accommodate hours of work, as well as the flexibility of your future employer.
Second Job or Self-Employment?
Keep in mind that starting a small business is always an option and your future employer could even be yourself if you want guaranteed flexibility and have the skills to become self-employed.
Best Second Jobs
Before you start a job search, check out this list of best second jobs to get some ideas of what you might like to do.
Tips for Finding a Second Job
For some jobs, you can apply and work online. For others, when you will be working in a physical location, you may be able to apply online or you may need to apply in-person or use your contacts to help you find a company that needs some extra help. With the latter type of job, looking for something as close to home or your first workplace as possible is a good idea. That will make it easier to juggle two jobs.
Second jobs generally fall into three main categories: traditional part-time employment, often in the service sector, small business enterprises, and freelance work.
Strategies for arranging employment in each of these sectors will vary accordingly.
Here are tips for finding a second job, including information on the types of jobs that make good second jobs, where to job search, options for starting a small business, and more ways to earn extra money.
Start With a Job Search Engine
You can use the job search engine sites to search for a second job by using keywords like "online", "work from home", "telecommute", "part time", "evening", "weekend", "freelance" and so on.
You can use the job search engine sites to search for a second job by using keywords like "online", "work from home", "telecommute", "part time", "evening", "weekend", "freelance" and so on.
You don't need to add a location when searching for online jobs, but add your city or town when searching for jobs where you will work on-site. Here's information on the top job search engines, plus tips for how to use them.
Find an Online Job
If you can find a decent work at home job, and there are some, it can be a great way to supplement your income. Here's how to find work at home employment, as well as how to research work at home jobs to make sure they are legitimate and avoid scams.
If you can find a decent work at home job, and there are some, it can be a great way to supplement your income. Here's how to find work at home employment, as well as how to research work at home jobs to make sure they are legitimate and avoid scams.
Find a Part Time Job
Some people can juggle two full-time jobs, but it's tough. Working part time at job #2 is a better option. Here are the best sites to use to search for part time jobs, part time job listings, how to find a part time job, how to apply for part time jobs, part time job applications, resumes and letters, and job search tips for part-time job seekers.
Some people can juggle two full-time jobs, but it's tough. Working part time at job #2 is a better option. Here are the best sites to use to search for part time jobs, part time job listings, how to find a part time job, how to apply for part time jobs, part time job applications, resumes and letters, and job search tips for part-time job seekers.
Find a Second Job In-Person
Visiting employers like restaurants, hotels, resorts and stores in-person can be a good way to find a second job in those sectors.
Visiting employers like restaurants, hotels, resorts and stores in-person can be a good way to find a second job in those sectors.
Use Your Contacts
Networking through friends, family, neighbors and other contacts and inquiring if their firm needs help or if any of their associates might need some help is always a good way to find work. This technique will be particularly appropriate for small organizations which prefer to hire staff who come highly recommended.
Networking through friends, family, neighbors and other contacts and inquiring if their firm needs help or if any of their associates might need some help is always a good way to find work. This technique will be particularly appropriate for small organizations which prefer to hire staff who come highly recommended.
Find a Freelance Job
Freelance work like writing and graphic design can be secured using the same strategies as the small businesses, with the addition of tapping one or more of the many online sites dedicated to matching freelancers with freelance projects. Elance, ODesk, Freelancer, and Guru are amongst the top sites.
Freelance work like writing and graphic design can be secured using the same strategies as the small businesses, with the addition of tapping one or more of the many online sites dedicated to matching freelancers with freelance projects. Elance, ODesk, Freelancer, and Guru are amongst the top sites.
Start a Small Business
Here are 10 steps that provide an overview of the basic steps required to start a business successfully from Alyssa Gregory. For Canadians, here's information on starting a business from Susan Ward.
Here are 10 steps that provide an overview of the basic steps required to start a business successfully from Alyssa Gregory. For Canadians, here's information on starting a business from Susan Ward.